Infinite Campus
Click here to log into Infinite Campus
One of the tools we use to communicate with students and parents is Infinite Campus. We highly encourage parents to check Infinite Campus frequently so you can stay up to date on schedules, assignments, grades, attendance, messages and more.
If you have already created an Infinite Campus account, you can visit and click “Existing IC Users Click Here” then choose “Campus Parent”. Your login information will remain the same for all your Hall County students, until your youngest student graduates High School.
If you have previously created an account but have forgotten your username and/or password, follow the above instructions and then select “Forgot Username” or “Forgot Password,” whichever is applicable.
If you have never created an Infinite Campus account (if your student is brand new to Hall County Schools, or if you never created an account previously), please visit and click “New IC Users Click Here” and follow the instructions.
Please create your account on a computer prior to using the mobile app.
If you have any questions, please email Mary Barge at
Infinite Campus mobile apps can be downloaded through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Navigating the Parent Portal
For multiple children:
Click on anything other than ‘Today’ on the left hand side, this will trigger Parent Portal to list all your students. Toggle between your children by clicking on the arrow on the right hand side of the screen, right under the person and notification icons. Information will be displayed for the child that is selected.
To view grades/averages:
To see the student’s average, depending on their grade level, toggle between the Terms at the top, under the Grades selection on the left:
To Get Notifications: